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Holistic all-natural products from HEROSAN

HEROSAN FLINOA CBD Öl CBD Paste CBD Creme CBD Salbe Naturprodukte Drachenblut Artemisia Annua Cover Foto

With our brand HEROSAN we offer innovative, holistic and all-natural products.

Products such as dragon’s blood and Artemisia annua, which can be used in a targeted way on humans and animals, can compliment therapeutic approaches in a completely new way.

HEROSAN FLINOA CBD Öl CBD Paste CBD Creme CBD Salbe Naturprodukte Drachenblut Artemisia Annua Cover Foto

Dragon's blood in use

Dragon’s blood is often referred to as “nature’s plaster”. With its 40 or so active ingredients and a 90% OPC content, this product is highly effective in protecting cells and fighting viruses, parasites and pathogenic bacteria.

Let our testimonials speak for themselves.

Artemisia Annua with

HEROSAN FLINOA CBD Öl CBD Paste CBD Creme CBD Salbe Naturprodukte Drachenblut Artemisia Annua Cover Foto

Rediscovered by Chinese doctors in the 1970s, Artemisia Annua is now an integral part of Chinese medicine. The researchers were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015.

The pleasant fragrance of Artemisia Annua comes from its quantities of essential oils.

Essential oils included are alpha-pinene, camphor, limonene, alpha-terpinene, beta-pinene, carene, eucalyptus oil, artemisia ketone, copaene, caryophyllene, menthol and alpha-terpineol.

HEROSAN FLINOA CBD Öl CBD Paste CBD Creme CBD Salbe Naturprodukte Drachenblut Artemisia Annua Cover Foto


HEROSAN ist Regional in Österreich
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HEROSAN ist Innovativ & Qualitativ

About HEROSAN's all-natural products

HEROSAN Drachenblut 30ml

What’s in our all-natural products? Are they all organic? Can I use them on humans and animals? You can find answers to these and many more in our FAQ.

HEROSAN Drachenblut 30ml

HEROSAN Health at a glance

Our innovative natural health products are 100% organic and environmentally sustainable.

Artemisia Annua TeeArtemisia Annua Tee

Artemisia Annua Tee, größtenteils stängelfrei aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau geschnitten

50 g    € 19,90
Dragon's Blood by HerosanDragon's Blood by Herosan
100% sap of the dragon's blood tree (Croton Lechleri)
Your selection:
The naturally hand-boiled
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Artemisia annua ORGANICArtemisia annua ORGANIC
Plant extract (alcohol) of the annual mugwort - organic
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The naturally hand-boiled
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ORGANIC hemp flower tea with fruits
CBD/CBDa 4-5%

40 g    € 12,69
"hempy day" - Green hemp flower tea"hempy day" - Green hemp flower tea
ORGANIC hemp flowers green tea with fruits
CBD/CBDa 4-5%
40 g    € 12,69
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HEROSAN Professional Literature
2nd edition Verlagshaus der Ärzte
   € 27,90